If you’re into heights and extreme sports, we have the best plans for you ... With 4,000 kms of mountain range, Chile has many places to climb, some for experts and others for those who want to try out this amazing experience. Take this opportunity and have access to the best country views from the top!

Rock climbing encompasses all the technical elements of mountaineering, but takes them away from the alpine surroundings, turning them into a sport in its own right.

The objective of this sport is to climb rock walls using nothing but your hands and feet. Even though it is a discipline without established rules, you can distinguish several types of climbing.

  • Traditional climbing takes place in an alpine environment, in routes which have not been previously equipped with nuts, hexes or other anchoring devices.
  • Artificial climbing includes all kinds of equipment like spring-loaded camming devices (SLCD) and pitons to help you climb.
  • Free climbing is that in which you only use your hands and feet to ascend.
  • Sport Climbing takes place in routes that have been previously equipped with anchoring devices fixed in the rocks.

Climbing can take place not only in rocks, but also in artificial walls. These are usually built of wood or concrete, with footholds bolted on them. The height and shape of the wall depends on its use (training or competition).


One of the hypotheses that explains the origins of climbing points at alpinism. The first references to climbing as a discipline in itself date back to Europe in 1911. By that time, the distinction between free and artificial climbing was already made. The difference was that the former was practiced with no equipment whatsoever, not even for safety purposes.

Between the 1930’s and 1950’s, artificial climbing had a vast development. In turn, free climbing started evolving from the 1950’s with the use of pressure nails called pitons. With the appearance of the climbing harness in the 60’s, the development of safety equipment took a huge leap. In the 70’s, the concept of free climbing caught on, and people started talking about it in different areas of the world: the idea was to use no pitons or devices that would damage the rock, but to ascend only by the climber’s own means.

Nevertheless, this new trend increased the difficulties considerably, so, by the end of the 70’s the 'spit' was introduced. The spit consists of a pressure nail with a metal cored expander that is inserted in a hole drilled in the rock, and then hooked to the carabiner on its other end. For some, the arrival of the 'spit' is the starting point of current sport climbing.

Climbing in Chile

The practice of sport climbing in Chile has been around for several years now. In 1986, a group of local climbers started discovering and implementing the places where climbing currently takes place. From then on, a sustained development has occurred, increasing not only the amount of climbers but also the places in which climbing is practiced.

In the Mountain

With over 4000 km. (2500mi) of mountain range, Chile has countless places with undeveloped potential for traditional climbing. Amongst the best known, we recommend the following:

Atacama and Altiplano Area

Central Area

Southern Area: Araucanía and Los Lagos

Northern Patagonia

Southern Patagonia

In Artificial Walls

There are several places in Santiago where you can take lessons and practice artificial wall climbing:

You can find more suggestions about interesting places to visit in our Destinations guide.



You must take into account that, despite all safety systems, climbing is a high risk activity, and the danger of being injured, or even dead, is always present. Because of this, the first step you must take is to learn the basics of the discipline with someone who is experienced in the field, whether it is a friend or a qualified instructor. In Chile, the Federación de Andinismo de Chile offers various climbing courses.

Also, it is an activity that requires composure and a good physical condition. Climbing a rock wall takes a lot of concentration to overcome the obstacles and difficulties that may arise. Any distraction may lead to a risk of unknown consequences. A good physical condition can be attained by accumulating meters and meters of practice, or complementing them with other types of physical activities. If you do this, the ascension will be much easier.

Climbing practice also entails accepting the risks and dangers that are inherent to it. Proper instruction, right judgment, and the adequate equipment diminish the risks, but they don’t eliminate them. Getting hurt or losing your life is an ever present posibility. Remember, being safe is your own responsibility.

Environmental Care

Since rock climbing is an outdoor activity, that takes place in direct contact with nature, it is important to have an ecological behavior.

  • Do not litter. If you have garbage, take it with you. If you find garbage and can dispose of it properly, it will be greatly appreciated.
  • Make fire only in designated areas.
  • Do not take flora or fauna specimens with you.
  • If possible, walk only on signposted paths.
  • Do not scratch or paint rocks. No one needs to know you were there.
  • If you need to go to the toilet, dig a 25-cm. (10 in) hole, and then fill it up. This should be done at least 30 mts. away from any water source (rivers, lakes, creeks).
  • Avoid leaving traces of your visit. This will allow other people to enjoy nature in a virgin state


The basic rock climbing equipment for includes:
• Climbing shoes
• Harnesses
• Rope
• Quickdraws or extenders
• Belay Devices (Gri-Gri or ATC)
• Chalk Bag
The proper equipment is fundamental in all sports in which our life is at stake. Rock climbing requires specialized equipment and specialized instructions for its use. Never use second hand or homemade equipment. The climber’s life depends on it!
When buying or hiring equipment, seek help from someone experienced, so that you choose the implements that best suit your needs. Before buying you can hire  equipment until you are sure that you like this sport and you want to continue practicing it.


Mountain Climbing:

Federación de Andinismo de Chile
Almte. Simpson 77, Providencia, Santiago
(56-2) 222 0888 - 222 9140

Artificial Wall Climbing (lessons):
Gimnasio El Muro 
Av. Américo Vespucio Sur 1647, Las Condes, Santiago
(56-2) 475 2851


These are de destinations where you can Rock Climbing