The biological reserve of Huilo Huilo is surrounded by the Cordillera de los Andes and is a project that seeks to preserve the natural and cultural patrimony of the area. The activities in this place are characterized by being related to sustainable tourism.

This private project is located along the shores of Pirihueico Lake, near Panguipulli, and it boasts 100,000 hectares of land. The territory consists of a combination of preserved areas, plots of land for sale, and developing tourism. The plots of land cover less than 1% of the total project, reserving the majority for preservation efforts and tourist use. The Huilo-Huilo Foundation is concerned with the preservation of the park and further informs and communicates the value of Temperate Rainforests, a scarce eco-system that represents 0.9% of all the forests in the world. There are 250 km. (156 miles) of paths and trails throughout the hundreds of tree species, which enable you to discover untouched beaches, river sources, springs and lagoons, bird refuges and representatives of the native wildlife.

You will find a cafe and accessible trails near the Saltos del Huilo-Huilo. The Mocho Volcano is also equipped for skiing. This area is ideal for tracking down animals such as deer, foxes, and pumas; horseback riding; mountain biking; fly fishing among the waterfalls and underground caverns of the Blanco River; bathing in the hot springs; zip lining or canopy at 70 m (230 ft.) above the ground; or sailing, rafting and kayaking in the Fuy, Enco, and Pirihueico Rivers.When to go: Year round.

Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve map