Apart from Santiago and its economic, political, and cultural activity, the Chilean Central Valley comprises the regions of Valparaíso, Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins, and Maule (V, VI and VII, respectively). Homeland of the “huaso” traditions and the country’s most fertile grounds, this is the area where Chile’s best fruit and most reputed wines are produced.

The Central Valley is an idyllic spot to live and enjoy nature. Its climate and soil make it an ideal location for any type of economic and agricultural activity. These conditions have made possible human settlement in cities like Santiago, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Rancagua, Los Andes, San Antonio, and Talca.

The protection of the region's biological diversity is a priority. Because of this you can find nature sanctuaries and reserves like La Campana National Park in Región de Valparaíso, and other reserves in O'Higgins and Maule regions, such as Río Los Cipreses, Radal Siete Tazas, Altos del Lircay, and Laguna Torca.

Also, Chile is the main destination for South American skiers, and this is precisely the area where the most prestigious ski centers are located. You can find Portillo, Valle Nevado, La Parva, and El Colorado/Farellones, but there’s also Lagunillas in Cajón del Maipo and Chapa Verde in the sixth region.

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    The Colchagua Valley is one of the most important in Chile by the production of high quality wine farm. It has vineyards, wineries,…

  • Santiago

    The city of Santiago is the capital of Chile, along with being the most important cultural, administrative and financial centre of…

  • Valparaíso

    This city is Chile's main commercial port, capital city of the fifth region and the official seat of the parliament. It is located…

  • Talca

    Talca is the capital of Maule region. The rivers that surround the city, are the Valley of the Maule River, rio Claro and Lircay and…

  • Maipo Valley

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