Do you want to know which are the most sought after places of chile to taste of the local gastronomy?

These are some of the places most visited by lovers of local gastronomy, who come to our country not only to know extraordinary places, but to try their varied Chilean dishes.

1. Capitan Pastene: Varied restaurants with dishes from the Italian culture. There are also sausage factories (ham) to buy and take away.

2. Region of Los Ríos: Cecinas and craft beers. In Valdivia, Panguipulli, Paillaco and Aysén Patagonia you will find craft brewery with incredible flavors. (More than 17 local brands)

3. Pacific: Sea products, the best! Caletas coastal of Chile that have several local restaurants with families that have put their entrepreneurship in the kitchen. In Arica, Caleta Camarones, it is recommended to try the star product: "chinchorrazo". Ceviches, sweaty fish, octopus and locos ...

Caleta Los Verdes (Iquique) try the rompecatre and love sauce ... with seafood. If we go south, in Coquimbo is Caleta San Pedro, Guanaqueros, Tongoy where families of fishermen live and the dishes come directly from the sea. Los Vilos and Pichidangui are not left out of this offer.

In the center area, Pichilemu with its seafood empanadas and more to the south, in the Region of Bio Bio, Caleta Lenga you will find paila marina, mars with the parmesan or the pil pil, congrio and much more!

4. Los Lagos Region: Caleta Dueña where gastronomy, lodging and activities circuits are offered with local Mapuche communities - Huilliches like Mapu Lahual. In addition you can visit Mansa Bay, Maicolpue and Pucatrihue and try the cheese and seafood empanadas.

5. Mapuche culture: In Arauco you will find all the star products of our Mapuche culture. Merkén, pinion, and ground catuto are iconic products of the local gastronomy. Tourists visit Cañete because it offers a perfect blend of French and Mapuche culture. Contulmo mixes the German and Mapuche gastronomy and is also very visited by the most sybarite.

6. Patagonia: Special attention to the valleys and fjords of Aysén Patagonia. Lago Verde offers the full range of gaucho and traditional products from the Patagonian fields. In Raul Marín Balmaceda are all the flavors of the sea and Puyuhuapi offers all the gastronomy that the first settlers of the area used.

Punta Arenas offers a wide variety of seafood. It is recommended to try that yes, the caulk and the cilantro of conger.

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