Alerce Andino National Park is home to the largest area of native larch forests. It is located in the Lakes Region, 40 km from Puerto Montt.

Alerce Andino National Park (Andean Larch) was created on the 17th of November of 1982. It is located in the province of Llanquihue, in the districts of Puerto Montt and Cochamó. It has a surface area of 39.255 ha, most of which are covered with larch forests set in the mountain area of Región de Los Lagos. This slow-growth conifer has an excellent quality wood, and it is an endangered species, the park being one of its main refuges.

Alerce Andino National Park is part of Reserva de la Biosfera Bosques Templados Lluviosos de Los Andes Australes (Southern Andes Temperate Rain Forest)

Alerce Andino National Park map