Few countries in the world can offer a variety of experiences as immense as ours. From the huge sand dunes of the Atacama desert and the miles of glaciers we have in Patagonia, Chile becomes the adventure destination that is setting a trend in tourism.

Here are some adventures you can do:

Passion for the Waves - Pichilemu: Chilean surfing capital. Many waves for lovers of this sport. In summer, nightlife, bonfires, parties and outdoor music.

Buchupureo is another place that starts to compete with Pichilemu ....

Bike for Aysén Patagonia: Considered by Lonely Planet as one of the destinations of 2017, this wonderful place surpasses anyone's expectations. We are talking about the southernmost road in the world that is crossed by native forests, hanging glaciers, rivers, fjords and canals. The more adventurous take their bike and go to this corner of the world to spend their vacations. Do you want to live this experience 

Atacama Desert: The huge sand dunes allow all kinds of sports ranging from motocross, bike and sandboard. And for those who practice mountaineering, they have a wide range of volcanoes that you can climb. In trend, there are the border places like the Quebrada de Allane and the mountains of Suriplaza (border with Peru) for the most daring. Do ypu want to live this experience?

Snow - Ski: Passionate about skiing? A new website chileski.com collects all the information of the Chilean ski centers. There you can find packages and good prices to enjoy a ski day in any of the Chilean ski centers.

Rapa Nui Diving: If Easter Island is already a destination in itself, do not forget to take a walk under the ocean. You will find life: Mysterious moais and articles that sank from the ships that came to the island. It has spectacular visibility over 40 meters deep ... and its waters are very clear.

Rafting, passion for speed: Pucón with the Trancura river, Aysén Patagonia with Futaleufú, Baker river and even Cajón del Maipo for those who want to leave the capital and live an adrenaline rush through the waters of our rivers.

Hiking in Ice: We not only offer routes through national parks, but here in Chile you can walk on glaciers. The most common is the Gray Glacier in Torres del Paine, but in Aysén Patagonia there are many others.

Trekking - Continue exploring the world on foot: Torres del Paine our jewel. But there are other destinations that seem to be next. Dientes de Navarino in Tierra del Fuego will be the next route #must in Chile. Cochamó in Los Lagos, Pumalín Park and its ashes to the Chaitén volcano, Huequehue National Park, Conguillio, Siete Tazas in the Maule, Altos de Lircay in Bio Bio and Trekking in Cerro Castillo National Reserve, Aysén Patagonia are also places that you can not miss if you come to Chile.

Source: El País Newspaper - Lonely Planet.

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