If you're a fishing lover, then check out these programs we've created just for you.. Chile is well known worldwide for the amazing conditions for this sport, both in species and water quality as by the incredible natural environment that surrounds them. Whether your style is fly-fishing, launching or trolling, our trout and salmons are waiting for you in these southern waters. Don't miss out on this opportunity!

Popular tours

Here's a list of the best tours with Fishing in their activities. To see the full list, visit our Tours in Fishing

  • Fly Fishing Program in Puelo River

    Fly Fishing Program in Puelo River4 Days

    Are you a fly fishing lover? Come meet the fishing area of Puelo River, of 90 Kms of extension, with tributary rivers and lakes, specialized…

    • On Request
    • On Request

About Fishing

Fishing is an activity whose main goal is to catch fishes, either by sea or freshwater, for commercial, sport, nutritious or pastime ends.

Recreational or sport fishing is practised using special equipment, commonly referred to as fishing tackle, that consists of a number of hooks attached to a fishline handled directly or with the aid of an structure. However, sport fishing does not allow the use of nets, traps, harpoons or firearms, among others.

Sport fishing is characterized as not being necessarily competitive. In this sport, the struggle is between the fisherman and the fish, following certain rules the sportsman imposes to himself. This results in a gratifying experience by being in close contact with nature, and by being able to return the fish back to its natural environment, in good shape. 

Fishing styles:

There are four types of recreational or sport fishing:

  • Spinning: where the equipment has an artificial decoy or bait tied to a fishline; in this equipment, the weight needed for casting is determined by the bait or any external element other than the fishline.
  • Fly Fishing: uses a particular bait named "fly", a special fly line (or "leader") and a fly rod. As opposed to spinning, in fly fishing the weight necessary for casting is determined by the line.
  • Catch and Release:  is a type of fly fishing, in which the captured fish is freed immediately back into the water, alive.
  • Drag or Trolling: uses an artificial lure attached to one or more lines which are drawn through the water by boat.

Fly Fishing

History of Fly Fishing

Although the development of fly fishing is relatively recent (XIXth century) it is known that it was already practiced since medieval times but in more primitive ways.

This fishing modality was practiced since the beginning of the XIIIth century, in Medieval Europe. Diffrent German texts point out that, from this date on, fishing was done with a “feathered hook” called “Vederanglel”. The first of these references is found in a romance written near 1210 by Wolfram Von Eschenbach. The heroe of the story, Schionatulander, was crossing the ford of a river with his bare feet, in order to catch some trouts and graylings with a fishing fly.

There are at least a dozen of ancient manuscripts filled with references to fly fishing in Great Britain during the 14th and 15th centuries but none of them describes accurately any of the techniques used. Even now, what we know about techniques used in times prior 16th century is still pretty limited.

However, we do know about the equipment used: 14 feet (3,6 meters)  rods or even longer, with a line attached to the tip made of horsehair braids. As it is unlikely that fishermen during 15th century used lines with lengths greater than two times the rod’s length, trout or salmon fishing must have been a great challenge to them.

The first flies used for salmon fishing (16th century) must have had a body made of bear hair, attached with dyed silk threads and a collar made of feathers either from roosters, pheasants, partridges, macaws, flamingoes or parakeets.

But it was during the 19th century that fly fishing underwent a major breakthrough. First, during the appearance of winged wet flies which marked the beginning of the evolution of the dressed fly used for salmon fishing. Then, rods also began to get several enhancements, with mass-produced silk lines and the widespread use of silkworm guts. Moreover, it was during this century, when the reel began to be used widespread, that fake casting was discovered along with the dry fly technique.

In the XXth century new improvements began when fiberglass was introduced for rods manufacturing, in 1954. Sooner, carbon fiber rods would appear and, in time, rod’s weight decreased up to a point where the line’s weight began to be considered in order to handle the rod correctly. At the present time there’s no doubt that, without plastic, fly fishing as we know it would pretty much be unknown as a sport, even though its basic principles have remained the same.

What is the difference between a dry fly and wet fly?

One is designed to float, and the other to sink. In the case of wet flies, the hook is made of metal, and so the weight causes it to sink. In some cases, lead wire is also added, so that it sinks faster.

Most dry flies will not float by their own means, or will not float for a long time if you don't add a couple of false casts to dry them. Dry flies are made of a lighter metal, which helps their flotation.

Most of these flies are stiff, with a lot of hackle around the hook. Hackles also allow the weight of the fly to be dispersed across a wider span of water surface. It also causes resistance in the air, helping the presentation of the fly in the water. Finally, it contains a floating liquid, made of silicon paste or silicon with a solvent. This helps the fly float for a longer period.

Fly fishing equipment:

As in any other sport, using the appropriate gear or tackle is fundamental in order to practice fly fishing. Next, you’ll find a brief description of the basic gear you need for this sport.


The rod is the extension of the fisherman’s arm allowing him to cast the line, catch the fish and initiate the struggle with it. The first rods were made of bamboo and later replaced by fiberglass. These in turn, were replaced by graphite in order to achieve the least weight possible but with the greatest degree of resistance and flexibility.

Rods are, without question, the most cherished piece of equipment of any fly fisherman. They are differentiated by number, action and length. In numbering, they vary from #1, used for smaller fishes, to #15 , used for sea-fishing. In turn, action describes the way in which the rod responds when it bends under pressure, for which it also depends on the material it is made of. While bamboo rods are flexible but slow in action, graphite rods are harder but quicker.


The purpose of the reel is to keep storage of the line and to produce a soft tension when a well-sized fish tries to escape. It also serves as a counterbalance when casting. In general, the importance of the reel is linked to the fish’s size and tenacity.

Reels have a pressure system used for two purposes. The first is not to allow the bobbin to over spin and get stuck when the rod slings the line at a proper casting. The second is to tense the line and get the fish tired as it tries to swim on the opposite direction.

Fly Lines

The fly line throws the fly towards the fish. Fly lines are divided into three sections: the “leader”, where the fly is attached; the fly line itself that allows the casting and the “backing” which allows the line to achieve greater length.

There are two types of fly lines: floating fly lines, designed dry fly fishing and the wet line, designed for fishing with wet flies which imitate the larval stage of an insect.


Given fishing lines have an average length of 30 meters, the backing serves as an “insurance policy” when during the struggle with the fish you need to give in a few more fly line meters.


The leader’s function is to attach the leader to the fly and fool the strout. It is made of nylon or transparent monofilament. Tippets are the most important device within the fisherman’s bag of tricks. One inch more or less in its diameter marks the difference between success and failure on a fishing journey.

Leaders differentiate from tippets by way of their length and diameter. Tippet are measured in inches and identified by their “X-size” (0X, 2X, 3X, and so on).

Fishing Flies

A fishing fly can imitate the shape of almost anything that a fish commonly eats. Flies used for trout fishing resemble different insect varieties, crustacean or even small fish.

Fishing flies are divided in three parts: The head, just behind the eye of the bait; the body which uses most of the space for the bait; spiral-shaped ribs or abdomen, wings and hackle. The latter allows dry flies to float and wet flies to imitate the legs of an insect or crustacean.

Some of the best flies are made of furs and feathers in order to imitate aquatic insects which are at the base of the trout’s food chain.

Sport fishing in Chile

With a coastline more than four thousand kilometers long and a countless number of lakes and rivers, Chile offers both spectacular locations and diverse sources of fish species needed for any kind of fishing. Thus, it is an excellent destination point for fishermen around the world.

Sea fishing is practiced all the way along the Chilean coast, the most common species being: Sole, Tuna fish, Bonito, Sierra, Sea Bass, "Rollizo", Sarge, "Tollo", "Vieja" and "San Pedro", among others.

Fresh water fishing is practiced mainly in the Central, Southern,Austral and in the Magellan regions (from V to XII). The numerous rivers, lakes, lagoons, dams, estuaries and reservoirs across the territory have mainly "Pejerreyes", "Carpas", "Tencas" and several salmon species.


  • Mouth of Loa River: Within the boundaries between the I Region of Tarapaca and the II Region of Antofagasta .
  • Barquito Creek: III Region of Atacama. Around Chañaral port.
  • Viejo Port: III Region of Atacama. In front of Copiapo
  • Salada Beach: III Region of Atacama. 50 km (31 mi) south from Copiapo

Middle Chile

Sea Fishing

  • Papudo: V Region of Valparaiso
  • Quintero: V Region of Valparaiso
  • Algarrobo: V Region of Valparaiso
  • El Tabo: V Region of Valparaiso
  • Cartagena: V Region of Valparaiso
  • Las Cruces: V Region of Valparaiso
  • Rocas de Santo Domingo: V Region of Valparaiso

Northern Patagonia

Fresh Water Fishing

  • Elizalde Lake: XI Region of Aisén. Located 30 kilometers (19 mi) from Coyhaique.
  • Yelcho Lake: XI Region of Aisén.
  • Futaleufu River: XI Region of Aisén. Futaleufú.
  • Risopatrón Lake: XI Region of Aisén. Puyuhuapi.
  • Rosselot Lake: XI Region of Aisén.
  • Verde Lake: XI Region of Aisén. 1 km north from La Junta.
  • Cisnes River: XI Region de Aisén. Puerto Cisnes.
  • Uspallantes River: XI Region of Aisén. Puyuhuapi.

Southern Patagonia

Sea Fishing

  • Magellan Strait: XII Region of Magellan.

Fresh Water Fishing

  • Penitentes River: XII Region of Magellan. Located 158 kilometers (99 mi) from Punta Arenas.
  • Grande River: XII Region of Magellan. Tierra del Fuego.
  • Azopardo River: XII Region of Magellan. Tierra del Fuego
  • Serrano River: XII Region of Magellan. From Torres del Paine National Park to Ultima Esperanza fjord.



  • Be respectful of nature.
  • Do not throw away garbage. If you brought it, take it with you.
  • Practice "catch and release", that is, return the captured specimens to the river.
  • Do not fish any other specimens than the ones allowed by law and respect the allocated sizes and minimum weights.
  • Respect the closed seasons of the species.


  • Use proper equipment in accordance to fishing laws and regulations.
  • Always fish in the company of someone when in potentially dangerous areas.

Fishing Shops:

Tres Piedras
San Pedro 465,
Local 7A
Edificio Doña Natalia.
Puerto Varas, Chile
Phone: (65) 330157
E-mail: infotres@trespiedras.cl
Rod &Gun
Las Condes Av. 9607
Las Condes District. Santiago, Chile
Phone: (2) 371-0334
E-mail: info@chilerivers.cl
Chacra Santa Teresa, El Arenal
Coyhaique, XI Region, Chile.
Phone: (09) 890 9132
Email: alex@chilemoscas.com
Gray Fly Fishing
Official Orvis Representatives in Chile.
San Francisco, 447.
Puerto Varas City, Chile
Phone: (65) 232496
E-mail: rgrayfly@surnet.cl
Reinares y Thöne Ltda.
Padre Hurtado Norte Av. 1267
Vitacura District. Santiago, Chile
Phone: (2) 2293539
Fly Shop
Avda. Manquehue Norte 1260 P. 2
Vitacura District. Santiago, Chile
Phone: (2) 2018571
Mall Sport
Avenida Las Condes 13541.
Segundo Nivel, Tienda 223.
Las Condes District. Santiago, Chile
Phone: (2) 4371538.
121, Brasil Ave, Santiago
Phone: (2) 671 0285


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